Get to know me a little more….

For eleven years now, I have been literally living my dream. I have put together what I enjoy the most: restaurants (meaning: great food and gastro environment in general), marketing and traveling. And how did I ended up traveling, visiting restaurants and helping them to become better and successful on the market? For the answer, I have to go back to the very beginning.
I grew up helping in a family hotel on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, near famous Italian resort of Rimini. And that is where I literally lived through the hotel industry, tourism, restaurants and everything around. This world immediately engulfed me. Right there I realized I love working with people and also that only the one who satisfy their guests/customers and has the first-class marketing can win. My passion was born there and it defined my future and career…
After long-term experiences from working abroad for companies like Carnival, Emirates, Jumeirah Groub or Marriott – where I had been opening restaurants, making marketing, traveling, working as a manager and learning – I came to a clear vision about what I want to do once I return to the Czech Republic. Something that interests me, something I like and something I’m best at: to help and advise (not only) restaurants about how to be more successful and pass on my experiences gained at prosperous companies to them. So, the restaurant marketing was the obvious choice.
At the beginning, I worked as a so called “food critic” (mystery shopper) for restaurants that’d appealed to me. I was visiting them and rating their quality and provided services. It was interesting to visit and see more than 300 restaurants and bistros from all around Prague over only one year. During this period, I have founded a website – a restaurant guide called with a clear vision: to fill a hole in the market and help tourists (local) with a better orientation on the Prague gastro scene, inspire them where to go and especially where it is worth going. The website contains a recommended list of TOP 101 restaurants & bars including the most interesting events in the city.
The more I got to know owners (management) of restaurants, the more I realize that everyone wants to be more successful, have more guests, be more popular and so on. However, the vast majority of them do not know how to do it or do not have enough time or ideas. Which is a huge pity because they often have a great potential. And that’s the moment I decided to fully devote to cooperation and gastronomy consultancy about marketing. About the discipline so crucial in these days.
It’s been a few years since then, a hundred of clients and thousands of campaigns passed under my fingers and at various restaurants I ate about a ton of food (not joking). And eventually, after a long insistence (like: “When will you finally have your web?”), I created this web as soon as I finally made my time for that – April/2020. Welcome on the “Restaurant Guru” platform!
This is what people ask me all the time
Why I do what I do?
Where did the name “Restaurant Guru” came from?
What do you like the most about this work?
Who are my services for?
How do I choose my clients?
How much does it cost, what is the price of cooperation?
The biggest mistakes made by business (owners)?
How to effectively promote a restaurant and have a great marketing?
Tel: 739 957 772
DRN building, Národní 135/14, Prague 1
Czech Republic